Does your child or student need a pick-me-up in the middle of a long school day? If you’ve ever written a note on a napkin and packed it with your child’s lunch—perhaps a quick “I love you” or “thinking of you”—add a little laughter to your loving sentiment by including a joke with their sandwich, juice box, and snack. Kids love to learn new jokes, and they really love sharing them with their friends and teachers. These lunch box jokes for kids will be sure to get the whole cafeteria rolling on the floor!
Check out all the jokes below, and fill out the form on this page to enter your email address and get a free set of printable lunch box jokes.

Lunch Box Jokes About School
1. Which school does an ice cream man go to?

Sundae school.
2. Why didn’t the sun go to college?

Because it already has many degrees.
3. Who is the leader of school supplies?

The ruler.
4. What is a snake’s favorite subject?

5. What is the best place to grow flowers in a school?

6. Why did the dog do so well in school?

Because he was the teacher’s pet.
7. What did the paper say to the pen?

You have a good point.
8. Why are fish so smart?

Because they live in schools.
9. Which school do surfers go to?

Boarding school.
10. Which school supply is tired?

A nap-sack.
11. Why was the math book sad?

It had too many problems.
12. What do you get when you cross a teacher with a vampire?

Lots of blood tests.
13. Why did the student eat his homework?

Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake.
14. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?

Because her students were so bright.
15. What do you call a kid with a dictionary in his pocket?

Smarty pants.
Lunch Box Jokes About Animals
16. Why don’t leopards play hide-and-seek?

Because they are always spotted.
17. How long do chickens work?

Around the cluck.
18. What do you call a pig that does karate?

A pork chop.
19. What kind of sandals do frogs wear?

Open-toad sandals.
20. Teacher: Name a bird that has wings but can’t fly.

Student: A dead bird, ma’am.
21. What kind of key opens a banana?

A monkey.
22. What do you call an alligator that wears a vest?

An investigator.
23. What did the spider do on the computer?

Created a website.
24. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?

A thesaurus.
25. What do you get from a pampered cow?

Spoiled milk.
26. What do you get when you cross a cat with a dark horse?

Kitty Perry.
27. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?

Because they lactose.
28. Why did the horse chew with his mouth open?

Because he had bad stable manners.
29. What do you get if you cross a snake with a pie?

A python.
30. What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?

A woolly jumper.
Lunch Box Jokes About Nature
31. How can you tell the ocean is friendly?

It waves.
32. Why is grass so dangerous?

Because it is full of blades.
33. How do you cut a wave in half?

Use a sea-saw.
34. What did the little tree say to the big tree?

Leaf me alone.
35. What type of tree fits in your hand?

A palm tree.
36. What do you call the seagulls that live by the bay?

37. What do loggers eat in the forest?

Mac and trees.
38. What do you get when you plant kisses?

39. Why did the gardener plant light bulbs?

She wanted to grow a power plant.
40. What kind of water cannot freeze?

Hot water.
41. Why do trees hate tests?

Because they get stumped.
42. Why don’t mountains get cold in the winter?

They wear snowcaps.
43. Why are fish so bad at basketball?

They are afraid of the net.
44. What did the volcano say to the mountain?

I lava you.
45. Why don’t flowers ride bikes?

Because they might lose their petals.
46. Why did the leaf go to the doctor?

It was feeling green.
Lunch Box Jokes About Holidays
47. What is an elf’s favorite food?

Elfabet soup.
48. Where do Christmas trees go to learn?

Elemen-tree school.
49. Why wasn’t the dreidel feeling well?

It was having dizzy spells.
50. What does Santa use to help him walk?

A candy cane.
51. Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?

He was having a bad hare day.
52. Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a good joke?

It might crack up.
53. What do you call two witches sharing an apartment?

54. What can you catch from a vampire in winter?

55. Why didn’t the skeleton go to prom?

He had no body to go with.
56. Where do fashionable ghosts shop?

57. Why did the turkey join a band?

Because it had drumsticks.
58. What do you call fake spaghetti on Halloween?

59. Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field.
60. What kind of music do mummies listen to?

Wrap music.
61. Why was the turkey put in jail?

The police suspected fowl play.
Lunch Box Jokes About Sports
62. Where do sports teams go to buy new uniforms?

New Jersey.
63. What animal is best at hitting a baseball?

A bat.
64. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one.
65. Why was the ghost on the cheerleading squad?

To add a little team spirit.
66. What’s an insect’s favorite sport?

67. What did the football say to the punter?

I get a kick out of you.
68. What do wrestlers’ drinks come in?

69. Why do basketball players like cookies?

It’s just another excuse to dunk.
70. What do hungry football players play in?

The Supper Bowl.
71. What’s a sheep’s favorite sport?

72. Why did the baseball player go to jail?

Because he stole second base.
73. Why was the basketball court always wet?

Because the players dribbled all over it.
74. Why was the stadium so cool?

It was filled with fans.
75. Why did the soccer player bring string to the game?

So he could tie the score.
Get your free printable lunch box jokes for kids!

Just fill out the form on this page to enter your email address for instant access to our set of free printable lunch box jokes. Then print the sheets and cut out the joke cards. For an extra-special surprise, write a personalized note on one of the blank cards before you drop them in your child’s lunch box!