Got a weekly vocabulary list? Then this download is for you! We designed it specifically to be used with any eight-word list. (Doing more than eight words? That’s OK! Use the deep-dive pages for individual words, have students use the back for additional words, or let them pick and choose.) We have eight pages for diving deep into this important word work. For each of these, you can have students fill out the words or you can write them on super-handy vocabulary worksheets.
Definition Detectives

For each vocabulary word, students write what they think the word means. Then, they use a dictionary to find out what it really means!
Sketch It Out!

Students will write their vocabulary words on the lines in each box and draw a picture showing the meaning of each word.
Write It Out!

For each vocabulary word, students write a sentence that shows they know what the word means by using context clues. For example, “She is timid” doesn’t show that they know what timid means, but “The timid toddler hid behind her mom and wouldn’t answer my questions” does.
Parts of Speech Sort

Students will sort their vocabulary words into the correct category: noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.
Riddle Me This

Invite students to pick one of their vocabulary words and write four clues that would help someone correctly guess the word (they can use a dictionary to help them). Then they can try it out on a classmate!
Vocabulary Four Square

For a vocabulary word of their choice, students write its definition, give a synonym and antonym, draw a picture of it, and use it in a sentence.
Vocab Roll

For each of the vocabulary words, students roll the die and complete the assigned activity.
1 = Define the word.
2 = Use the word in a sentence.
3 = Write a synonym for the word.
4 = Write an antonym for the word.
5 = Draw a picture of the word.
6 = Act out the word for someone.
Story Time

Using all the words in their vocabulary list, students write a simple story.