Governance and leadership special issue
Applying for a leadership position, leading a school in the 2020s and IGNIS, a new online community for international school governors.

Board types
There is no single approach to governance in international education. Russell Speirs brings clarity to the area.

Leadership ambition
Keith Clark looks at what you should be thinking through to secure a leadership position in an international school.

Leading roles
Phil Stapleton talks to Andy Homden about an evolving curriculum, leadership and the importance of community.

Listening to governors
Russell Speirs meets three governors who share their perspective from schools in Gambia, Dubai and Myanmar.

Libraries and me
The Principal of Budapest British International School, David Porritt reflects on what libraries mean to him.

Who’s teaching who?
Uma Shankar Singh makes sense of a huge number of new AI platforms being written for schools.

Due diligence
Ivor McGettigan looks a starting a school in the Middle East and highlights the need for local knowledge.

School protection
What makes a campus security System effective? Paul Middlemiss examines the options a school will have.