Home Class Tools 55 Fun and Easy Summer Crafts for Kids

55 Fun and Easy Summer Crafts for Kids


Summertime is the perfect time for kids’ imaginations to run wild. That’s why we’ve compiled 55 of the cutest summer crafts for kids to help them get started. Simple to make, with inexpensive materials, your kids will be inspired by the beautiful results.

Yellow paper plate with colored paper shaped like rays of the sun around the border and yarn and beads strung across the middle
I Heart Crafty Things

1. String art sunshine

How happy is this sunshiny craft? Start with yellow paper plates, add construction paper rays, then string yarn and beads across the middle to make these summer crafts for kids.

Learn more: Yarn Craft Sunshine

A blue and yellow bracelet made from tissue paper and wooden beads
Buggy and Buddy

2. Paper flower bracelet

Cut circles out of colorful tissue paper to create a beautiful flower. Then string a pipe cleaner through the middle and add wooden beads. Make a dozen and pass them out to your friends!

Learn more: Tissue Paper Flower Bracelet

Jewelry holder made from a casting of a child's hand as an example of summer crafts for kids
Simple as That

3. Handprint jewelry dish

More than practical, this sweet keepsake made from craft clay will commemorate a moment in time.

Learn more: Handprint Clay Jewelry Dish

A coin purse made from green felt with googly eyes, a red button nose and white felt fangs
Red Ted Art

4. Monster change purse

All this funny craft takes is a strip of green felt folded in thirds, a button for a nose, some extra felt for features, and a needle and thread.

Learn more: Monster Purse DIY

Six small tote bags with brightly colored batik designs printed on them
Babble Dabble Do

5. Batik tote bags

Learn the age-old craft of batik with a twist—use glue instead of wax!

Learn more: How To Do Glue Batik

A piece of cardboard with strings strung in rows vertically and a popsicle stick with yarn tied to the end woven into the top section of the strings as an example of summer crafts for kids
Tate Kids

6. Learn to weave

How many of us spent entire summers weaving things for our mom and dad (potholders, anyone)? This craft teaches kids the basics, from how to make a simple loom to how to create designs.

Learn more: Learn To Weave

A whirligig made from colorful paper strips and a stick
Teach Beside Me

7. Rainbow paper spinner

Talk about old-fashioned fun! Create a whirligig made from colorful strips of construction paper and a small dowel, give it a few twists, and watch it fly.  

Learn more: Twirligig Rainbow Paper Spinner Toy

A colorful snake of paper squares folded together

8. Folded paper snake

Warning: This craft may be addicting! Once you start folding colorful pieces of construction paper together to form an interlocking garland, you may not want to stop.

Learn more: Folded Paper Garland

A colorful banner of triangular shaped, multicolor flags as an example of summer crafts for kids
Artful Parent

9. Stained-glass bunting

This craft requires a warm iron, so make sure a grown-up is nearby. This beautiful “stained glass” bunting is actually wax paper cut into triangles with melted crayon shavings pressed in between.

Learn more: Stained-Glass Bunting

Beautiful Butterflies made from farfalle noodles
Crafty Morning

10. Bow-tie butterflies

No summer would be complete without a little pasta art. In this case, farfalle pasta is painted in bright hues, then glued to paper to create this whimsical scene.

Learn more: Bow-Tie Noodle Butterfly Craft

White clay starfish strung together along a fence
The Chickabug Blog

11. Starfish garland 

All you need to create this gorgeous craft is salt dough, a toothpick, and lots of patience! Best of all, it costs just pennies to create.

Learn more: Starfish Garland

Tiny clay pots with rocks painted green to look like cactus plants and googly eyes glued on to each plant as an example of summer crafts for kids
The Best Ideas for Kids

12. Pet cactus rocks

These adorable little succulents are really just painted stones with googly eyes attached, nestled into tiny clay pots. Create your own colony—they’ll make you smile every time you see them.

Learn more: Pet Cactus Rocks

Six slim glass bottles filled with layers of colored sand inside
Art Bar

13. Layered sand art

Another throwback craft, layered sand art is making a comeback. This version uses food coloring or liquid watercolors to color the sand. Then, different colors are poured in layers into a clear glass bottle, creating a dreamy wave-like effect.

Learn more: Sand Art Bottles

Six paper plates with bean mosaic designs glued to each one
The Pretty Life Girls

14. Dried bean mosaics

Beans, beans the magical fruit … who knew they could make such pretty designs? All it takes is a few inexpensive varieties of dried beans, a little craft paint, and some glue to create these gorgeous decorations.

Learn more: Bean Mosaic Art

Colorful bugs made from bottle caps sit on a piece of driftwood as an example of summer crafts for kids
This Grandma Is Fun

15. Bottle cap bugs

Little kids are buggy about bugs, and what better time than summertime for them to craft up a few of their own?

Learn more: Bottle Cap Bugs

Two zipper pouches, one with bright polka dots and one with gold and white stripes, made from duct tape
Happiness Is Homemade

16. Duct tape zipper pouches

This ingenious craft uses ziplock bags wrapped in duct tape to create colorful pouches kids can use for pencils, hair ties, coins, and more.

Learn more: No-Sew Zippered Duct Tape Pouch

Tiny baby turtles made from one section of an egg carton painted green, with green construction paper flippers and googly eyes on its face
Emma Owl

17. Egg carton baby turtles

These summer crafts for kids are made from recycled egg cartons, paint, construction paper, and googly eyes. The irresistible baby turtles will inspire hours of creative play.

Learn more: Egg Carton Turtle Recycled Kids Craft

A flower pot made from colorful craft sticks glued around a tin can, with colorful flower planted inside as an example of summer crafts for kids
Typically Simple

18. Craft stick flower pots

Who knew a tin can and some colorful craft sticks would make such an adorable flower pot? Tuck a colorful plant inside and these make awesome gifts for friends, family, and neighbors.

Learn more: Craft Stick Flower Pots

Whimsical puppets made from popsicle sticks in the form of a cow, pig, cat, chicken and horse
Make and Takes

19. Popsicle stick farm critters

Create your own version of “Old McDonald Had a Farm” with these adorable (and easy!) Popsicle stick critters.

Learn more: Popsicle Stick Farm Critters

A hand with painted nails shows off a pretty stack of beaded bracelets
The Pretty Life Girls

20. Beaded daisy chain bracelets

A DIY beaded daisy chain bracelet with seed beads is so easy and fun to make. The tutorial at the link below will walk you through each step.

Learn more: DIY Beaded Daisy Chain Bracelet

Tiny terracotta pots of succulents are painted green on top and pink on the bottom to resemble a slice of watermelon as an example of summer crafts for kids
This Grandma Is Fun

21. Watermelon plant pots

With just some flower pots, paint, and brushes, even little kids can create these cute crafts.

Learn more: Watermelon Flower Pots

Colorful flowers made from felt peek out of a vase
Happiness Is Homemade

22. Felt flowers

Bring out the colorful squares of felt and buttons and craft up a pretty bouquet of these happy flowers.

Learn more: Easy DIY Felt Flowers

Red toadstools with white polka dots are made from sections of an egg carton
Emma Owl

23. Recycled egg carton toadstools

How sweet are these funny little toadstools? Hard to believe they started life as an ordinary egg carton.

Learn more: Recycled Egg Carton Toadstool Craft

A colorful DIY kite made from a brown paper bag, paint and streamers as an example of summer crafts for kids
Typically Simple

24. Paper bag kite

Perfect for a blustery summer day, these colorful kites are easy and inexpensive to make.

Learn more: Paper Bag Kite

Glittery hand made stars dangle from a beaded copper wire
Art Bar

25. Glitter star mobile

This adorable DIY mobile will bring the sweetest dreams to any kid.

Learn more: Glitter Star Mobile

A red sailboat floats on a brilliant blue sea in this seascape made from torn paper
The Best Ideas for Kids

26. Torn-paper ocean scene

Paper ripped into strips and formed into shapes works together to create this bright ocean scene.

Learn more: Sailboat Craft

A paper mache beehive with pom pom bees on it as an example of summer crafts for kids
The Chickabug Blog

27. Beehive piñata

This craft will have your kids buzzing with excitement! And as a bonus, you can fill it with candy for the next birthday party.

Learn more: Beehive Piñata

Painted metal washers dangle from a piece of driftwood
Crafty Morning

28. Painted metal washer wind chime

Paint washers of different sizes, then string them with beads from a piece of driftwood. Then sit back and listen to the melody it makes all summer.

Learn more: Colorful Metal Washer Wind Chime

Whimsical jellyfish made from styrofoam, pipe cleaners and googly eyes hang from the ceiling
Crafts by Amanda

29. Wiggly jellyfish

This adorable rainbow jellyfish craft is rich with vibrant colors, and it’s easy to make. Pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and Styrofoam balls are all you need.

Learn more: Rainbow Jellyfish Craft

A beautiful collage is made from natural found objects as an example of summer crafts for kids
The Artful Parent

30. Nature dioramas

Go on a nature walk and gather natural items like pine cones, leaves, pieces of wood, etc. Then add your own creative touch with paint and accessories to create a beautiful diorama.

Learn more: How To Make a Nature Diorama for Kids

Art Supplies flank a drawing in the circle style of artist Kandinsky
Teach Beside Me

31. Kandinsky art study

Kandinsky loved music and color and believed colors could express feelings the same way music could. Kids can try their hand at imitating his style with this craft.

Learn more: Kandinsky Art Study

Bright colorful circular mandalas as an example of fun and easy summer crafts
I Heart Crafty Things

32. Black glue mandalas

Watercolor paint and glue mixed with black acrylic paint combine to create these mesmerizing mandalas.

Learn more: Black Glue Mandala Art Project

Two baby birds made from construction paper and feathers sit atop a nest as an example of summer crafts for kids
Buggy and Buddy

33. Baby bird nests

How sweet are these little chirpers? Create your own flock of baby birds using simple materials.

Learn more: Nest and Baby Bird Craft

Colorful pendants made from shells pressed into modeling clay
Red Ted Art

34. Shell salt dough necklaces

Preserve your seaside memories by pressing shells into homemade salt dough. Attach a leather cord and wear it all summer. You can also use pebbles or marble jewels.

Learn more: Shell Pendants

Sculptures made from wire and beads formed into freeform shapes
Babble Dabble Do

35. Wire sculptures

One of the most fun ways to create abstract art. Simply twist and form metal wire strung with colorful beads to create your own work of art.

Learn more: Wire Sculptures

A colorful DIY kaleidoscope made from cardboard as an example of summer crafts for kids
Tate Kids

36. Cardboard kaleidoscopes

Inspired by artist Olafur Eliasson, this fun craft is made from recyclable cardboard materials that are easily sourced.

Learn more: Make a Kaleidoscope

A simple raft made from twigs laced together with a triangular fabric sail

37. Twig boat

This simple craft is sure to bring hours of fun for your kids this summer. Make a fleet and set sail!

Learn more: Handmade Boats

A suncatcher made from a paper plate and bright pink tissue paper glows in the light of a window
Kids Activities Blog

38. Watermelon suncatcher

Capture the sun streaming through your windows with these delightful tissue-paper watermelon slices.

Learn more: Watermelon Suncatcher

Three drawings of flowers made from pressed flowers and ink outlines as an example of summer crafts for kids
Hello, Wonderful

39. Pressed-flower art

Use real flowers to create the imprint for these ink-traced beauties.

Learn more: Pressed Flower Craft

Two stuffed worms- one pink and one blue- sit side by side
One Little Project

40. DIY sock worms

You don’t even need to know how to sew to create these darling little companions.

Learn more: No-Sew Sock Worms

Three DIY octopi made from craft sticks, beads, construction paper and googly eyes
Craft Project Ideas

41. Craft stick octopus

Who knew craft sticks, pony beads, and googly eyes could create something this adorable? Attach a magnet to the back and display them on your fridge.

Learn more: Craft Stick Octopus

Discs of wood painted with blue paint laid out on a table as an example of summer crafts for kids
Crafts by Amanda

42. Coastal drink coasters

Discs of wood cut from a log are decorated with swirly waves of ocean-hued paint to create these striking drink coasters.

Learn more: Coastal Coasters

Colorful bird houses made from milk cartons hang from a tree
Craft Create Cook

43. Milk carton birdhouses

Recycled milk cartons can be beautifully repurposed as birdhouses. Hang a bunch in your tree and enjoy the bird-watching.

Learn more: Birdhouse Crafts for Kids

A small plant hangs suspended in a macrame hanger adorned with yarn pom pom balls
Sarah Hearts

44. Pom-pom macrame plant hanger

One step beyond your basic macrame plant hanger, this one is adorned with colorful pom-pom balls.

Learn more: DIY Pom-Pom Macrame Hanging Planter

A boy reading reclines under a tent made from a wood frame and duct tape walls as an example of summer crafts for kids
The Craft Patch

45. Duct tape tent

What a charming little getaway to indulge in a little summer reading or daydreaming.

Learn more: Duct Tape Play Tent

Colorful God's Eye crafts laid out on a table
Happy Hooligans

46. God’s Eyes

An oldie but a goodie, God’s Eyes are the ultimate summer camp craft. All you need is two Popsicle sticks and lots of yarn.

Learn more: God’s Eye Craft


47. Recycled plastic bottle art

Upcycle those used plastic bottles into something beautiful. Get the step-by-step tutorial at the link below.

Learn more: Upcycled Plastic Bottle Art

Colorful buttons are glued together to create an adorable little caterpillar as an example of summer crafts for kids
Divine Lifestyle

48. Button caterpillar

Caution: Making these sweet little caterpillars may be addicting!

Learn more: Button Caterpillar Craft

Colorful pictures are painted on papers folded into an accordion shape
Easy Peasy and Fun

49. Agamographs

An agamograph is a sheet of paper folded accordion style with two different pictures colored on it. Don’t worry, they’re not as complicated as they look. Learn how to make them at the link below.

Learn more: Summer Agamograph Template

Two paper bags are transformed into mermaid puppets with paint, string and shell buttons
Glued to My Crafts

50. Paper bag mermaid

These funny little mermaids would be the perfect props for a summer puppet theater production of “The Little Mermaid.”

Learn more: Paper Bag Mermaid

Round garden stepping stones decorated with glass beads as an example of summer crafts for kids
Crafts by Amanda

51. Bejeweled stepping stones

Add some dazzle to your garden with these bejeweled stepping stones. Use sea glass, jewels, crystal shards, buttons, or seashells. To personalize it further, have your little one press their handprint in the middle.

Learn more: DIY Garden Stepping Stones

Colorful fans made from craft sticks and decorated paper form a circle
The Idea Room

52. Fruit fans

Keep cool this summer with these super-cute DIY fans made from craft sticks, colored paper, and brads.

Learn more: DIY Fruit Fans Kids Craft

Tiny ballerina figures are made from pipe cleaners and dyed coffee filters
One Little Project

53. Coffee filter ballerinas

How gorgeous are these summer crafts for kids? All you need are coffee filters, pipe cleaners, tiny elastics, and markers to make these beautiful ballerinas.

Learn more: Coffee Filter Dancers

A trio of pictures showing common office supplies and two jewelry projects you can make with them
Babble Dabble Do

54. Office supply jewelry

Let your kids’ imaginations run wild using the simplest of materials: office supplies. Try a paper clip necklace or a rubber band bracelet and more!

Learn more: DIY Jewelry Made From Office Supplies

A colorfully striped sea horse art project as an example of summer crafts for kids
Hello, Wonderful

55. Paper plate seahorse

Made from paper plates and paint, these colorful seahorses will brighten up your summer. Check out the easy-to-follow video at the link below.

Learn more: Paper Plate Seahorse

If you liked these summer crafts for kids, check out these Fun and Easy Nature Crafts and Activities.

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