Home Higher Education Best Free AI Image Generators

Best Free AI Image Generators


HOW WE TESTED: Three prompts were submitted to each platform over several visits, and the best and worst were selected for each gallery:
1) Cat picking daisies; 2) Cat and mouse hanging out together as friends; 3) Cat chasing mouse across a field, with cat on the left side of the image and mouse on the right side. Both cat and mouse are running at top speed.

When I first surveyed free AI image generators in 2023, the technology was in its infancy. The handful of decent-looking AI-generated images were swamped by a sea of bizarre, odd, unintentionally humorous, and downright creepy efforts. Things have changed.

As everyone knows, the creative power of artificial intelligence has grown by leaps and bounds—and today’s AI image generators reflect that overall improvement.

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