Home Higher Education AI, Absenteeism, Cybersecurity, and More at the Tech & Learning Regional Leadership Summit in New England

AI, Absenteeism, Cybersecurity, and More at the Tech & Learning Regional Leadership Summit in New England


The Tech & Learning Regional Leadership Summit is a unique opportunity for educators from various backgrounds to come together for a collective purpose: to find uncommon solutions to common challenges. Educational leaders not only have the chance to network as well as innovate and create solutions, they also are given a voice to share strategies they have tried in their schools or districts. 

The Connors Center in Dover, Massachusetts, provided a beautifully lush backdrop of trees and grass that held fast against the ongoing conversation between educators, edtech partners, and other attendees about the advent of technology in schools. As part of a professional learning experience, those in attendance were tasked with creating an action plan based on the various activities they would take part in throughout the day.

Getting Our Feet Wet 

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