Home Higher Education Best Practices for AI and CTE

Best Practices for AI and CTE


During ACTE’s recent CareerTech VISION event for career and technical education (CTE) professionals, panelists presented overwhelming evidence that educators have to embrace AI in education—particularly in career and technical education. The tone of the panel was urgent and unequivocal: If CTE educators have not yet tested or used generative AI, they are well behind.

Any CTE program needs to focus on preparing students for the workforce in which AI will be essential. This is the biggest technological shift since the creation of the internet, and educators must be significantly involved. It is the responsibility of CTE educators to ensure that students have the tools and ethics to use AI responsibly, which can be done by guiding their exploration of AI tools and platforms, showing them the discrepancies, and helping them to be ready to manage AI competencies.

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