When you get out of school, you’d probably like to come back to the comfort of your own home more than you’d like…
Schools & Teachers
Bullying is one of those tough topics that can feel challenging to address. But when we highlight and bring attention to the issue,…
Reading is made up of various skills: word reading, fluency, comprehension. Fluency, or the ability to read with appropriate accuracy and prosody, or…
Dear We Are Teachers, I really wanted the last first grade position I interviewed for. After the interview, I asked for feedback on…
Between lesson planning at home, time spent with students in the classroom, and much much more, you may not always have the time…
There’s something truly magical about being an exchange student. Whether it’s for a few weeks or a whole school year, teens get the…
Short vowel sounds are often the first phonics patterns kids learn. Whether you teach the vowels in alphabetical order or in another order,…
We often talk about the importance of community building in the classroom at the beginning of the school year. You may play “get…
Responding to what you read is an important literacy skill. Reading about other people’s experiences and perspectives helps kids learn about the world.…
The pull to go “back to basics” when it comes to reading instruction has been growing stronger and stronger among many teachers, especially…