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Opinion: Optimising resource allocation in schools


Opinion: Optimising resource allocation in schools

by Felix Berndt

The Australian school sector’s increased reliance on technology to enable teachers to teach and students to learn puts pressure on their complex IT infrastructures and stretches their limited budgets. Australian schools increasingly depend on robust, high-performance IT environments to deliver quality education. However, managing these systems efficiently within constrained budgets is a significant challenge.

According to the most current Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), Australian schools are the third largest consumers of information and communications technology (ICT) among OECD countries. Australia is a country where technology plays a pivotal role in education. It enhances the teaching experience, facilitates innovative learning methods and ensures students are well-prepared for a tech-driven future. Yet, the complexity of these IT infrastructures necessitates constant monitoring to ensure optimal performance and minimal downtime.

Unfortunately, many schools, especially public ones, struggle with limited budgets and resources, making it difficult to provide the necessary technological tools for every student. With limited financial resources, schools must prioritise IT spending to maximise the impact on student outcomes. This lack of resources can discourage teachers from exploring the full potential of teaching technologies in their classrooms. Such setbacks confirm the importance of efficient resource allocation and the need for proactive infrastructure monitoring to maintain a seamless learning and teaching experience.

Challenges for schools

One of the primary challenges is the scarcity of technical staff and resources. Many schools operate with minimal IT support, making it difficult to address technical issues promptly. This scarcity can lead to prolonged downtime, negatively impacting the learning experience and the overall efficiency of schools.

Additionally, the rapid pace of technological advancements means that schools must continuously upgrade their IT infrastructures to keep up. This constant need for upgrades puts additional strain on already limited budgets, forcing schools to make tough decisions about where to allocate their scarce technology resources.

Another significant challenge is the uneven distribution of technological resources. While private schools may have access to state-of-the-art technology and large IT budgets, public schools often do not have a sufficient IT budget and struggle with outdated equipment. This disparity creates an uneven playing field, where students in less well-funded schools may not have the same opportunities to engage with technology as their peers in better-funded institutions.

The role of infrastructure monitoring in schools

Given these challenges, all Australian schools across the public and private sectors should seriously consider implementing infrastructure monitoring. This approach provides a centralised method of identifying technical issues before they impede the learning experience. By continuously monitoring the performance of IT systems, schools can detect potential problems early and address them proactively.

By collecting and analysing their infrastructure utilisation, schools can also identify patterns and trends, allowing them to make informed decisions about future resource allocation and IT spending.

Four key benefits of monitoring

Implementing a monitoring system can provide real-time insights into various aspects of the IT infrastructure, and here are its four key benefits for schools:

  1. Improved Efficiency

    Continuous monitoring helps identify and resolve issues before they escalate, reducing downtime and ensuring that IT systems operate smoothly. This proactive approach enhances the overall efficiency of educational institutions, allowing them to focus on their core mission of teaching and learning.

  2. Cost Savings

    Schools can avoid costly repairs and replacements by detecting issues early. Infrastructure monitoring also helps optimise resource utilisation, ensuring that IT spending is directed towards areas that need it the most. This efficient allocation of resources can lead to significant cost savings, which can be reinvested in other critical areas.

  3. Enhanced Security

    Educational institutions are often targets for cyberattacks due to the sensitive information they hold. Infrastructure monitoring can help detect security threats in real time, allowing schools to respond quickly and mitigate potential damage. This enhanced security protects schools and their students and staff from cyber threats.

  4. Better Planning and Decision-Making

    The data collected through infrastructure monitoring provides valuable insights to inform strategic planning and decision-making. Schools can use this data to identify trends, predict future needs and allocate resources more effectively. This data-driven approach ensures that IT spending is aligned with the institution’s long-term goals.

Infrastructure monitoring is an ongoing process that requires school IT departments to review and adjust it regularly. Schools should continuously evaluate the effectiveness of their monitoring efforts and ensure they use the data provided to make necessary infrastructure investments to improve resource allocation. This iterative approach ensures monitoring remains relevant and effective in addressing evolving budgetary challenges.


Optimising technology resource allocation in schools through infrastructure monitoring is essential for managing IT spending more efficiently. By adopting a proactive approach to monitoring, schools can enhance their efficiency, save costs, improve security and support excellent learning experiences.

While the challenges are significant, the benefits of infrastructure monitoring make it a worthwhile investment for Australian schools because it ensures that they can provide an excellent teaching and learning experience, even within limited budgets.

Felix Berndt is the Asia Pacific Director at Paessler AG, a German company specializing in network monitoring solutions.

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